Let’s Learn Online is a web platform offering online language courses in English, German and Arabic and crash courses on a variety of topics such as law, culture, human rights, economics, Islamic Studies and more.

Let’s Learn Online serves as the online platform of three educational centers including the Excellence Center in Palestine, The Excellence Center in Europe – Germany, and the Palestinian Center which is known as “Go Palestine”. The three centers have provided educational programs since 2011, and have thus acquired valuable experience in teaching languages, offering internships and volunteer opportunities, and hosting online Arabic courses. The three centers screen, recruit, and hire specialized teachers with significant experience in the field of e-learning and online education.

Our Specialization 

Since our Centers are based in Palestine and Germany, we focus primarily on cultural and political topics most relevant in these two states. In Germany, we focus on issues related to refugees, immigration, and current politics.  In Palestine, we focus on topics such as law, human rights in Palestine, Women’s rights, Islamic studies, Economic, Politics, Media, Agriculture and Palestinian refugees’ issues. Additionally, we focus on teaching Arabic, German and English. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver online instruction in languages and crash courses in relevant political, social and cultural topics. Our courses offer the flexibility of learning anywhere, anytime, and to anyone in the world using online learning tools that will maximize consistency and results.

Our Vision

Our vision is to spread the culture of online learning as one of the most important tools in the coming years in the field of education. We seek to be the best online learning platform that delivers online instruction on languages and a wide range of relevant current topics.